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Here are a few links that we at Teed & Company felt might be useful or informative.
Feel free to contact us if you don't find what you're looking for.
This site of the Certified General Accountant Association of B.C. will provide you with information about the business world of Canada's accountants.
For those who would like to know what software the professionals use.
Business information and assistance from starting a business to finances, research and licences.
Information about resolving disputes, tax returns, alerts non-resident taxes, family benefits and much, much more. . .
How many days a year do you 'work for the government' in the form of paying taxes? The Fraser Institute lets you know with this fun tax calculator.
We, at Teed & Company, support small businesses in Surrey and the Vancouver area. Take this link for more tips, support and helpful news on your way to success.
Help for new and expanding small business.
Mortgage Calculator & Financial Calculators.
A free resource for consumers, professionals and researchers.
Studio Era
Photography, Video
and Design.